Yes, as if you thought the frustrating pattern of…Large snowfall, frigid temps, large snowfall, frigid temps, … Need another chapter, we’ll it’s here. It started snowing again waaaaaay early this morning, and for pretty much the entire day now it’s been coming down with various amounts on intensity. Just around 3pm or so, while it […]
Continue Reading →12/22 highlights
I love this time of the year…… Christmas is around the corner, then New Years, 2009 begins, and then we go to Maui in February. During the time between Christmas and New Years, I get to have a few more days off of work, which is the case this weekend, my three day weekend. In […]
Continue Reading →Second Skating Session
Those following me on Twitter and my Facebook buddies found out last night that I was back out on the ice again, and given today’s deep freeze, it was just in time. And unlike two weeks ago, the rink was actually open this time!!! It was a rather gorgeous night, if you like winter that is. It […]
Continue Reading →More Than Cold
Was checking out the weather here just north of Chicago and moments after sunrise. Brrrrrrr. Doesn’t seem like much of a choice between here and Hawaii, does it? Happy Winter Solstice. Update Hasn’t gotten much warmer this afternoon!
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