A Better World For Our Child

Dear Blackhawks: Congrats on making it one step closer to your ultimate goal. Everyone we know is cheering for you, and your grit and determination are an inspiration to us all.  It’s so neat hearing so many of our friends talk about who their favorite Hawk is and way – and all for their own […]

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The First Trimester Weight Loss Plan

Cindy had her 12-week check-up on Thursday, and so far all is well.  As some of you know, she’s been having quite a bit of trouble with morning sickness that hasn’t been confined to just the mornings.  It was not more evident during her weigh in at the appointment.  Between her 8-week appointment and this […]

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Thank Goodness for HD

Well, our hometown Blackhawks have made it to the final step in their journey for the Stanley Cup Finals. And all I have to say is, thank goodness for HD television. All of the lifelong hockey fans in our lives are buzzing about how much tickets for the Finals are going for now, and the […]

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