
At some point between that last post of ’09 when we bought a Mac and when I started posting again in April, we picked up a Wii. And as anyone that has one will tell you, they are a lot of fun. Initially, we just stuck with the sports games that came with it, which […]

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The Hockey Recap

With the Blackhawks Celebration going on today, I thought I’d take a quick look back at all the hockey related posts these last two months showing the grueling path it takes for a team to win one of the oldest trophies in professional sports. The Beginning The beginning of the playoffs is actually just the […]

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I Wouldn’t, Would I?

Saw a post on Mashable earlier today about 10 Adorable Apple-Themed Baby Accessories when it dawned on me that these types of things will soon be very relevant in my life. So, for all of those who out there that know me, do you think I would or wouldn’t buy something like this and torture […]

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