Weekend Highlights 1/11/09

It was a good weekend…… why you ask? Well let me tell you………


Like I mentioned in previous post it snowed in the morning to make my morning commute little difficult.. I worked until 3:00 pm, Came home. did every ones favorite chore the laundry. No offence to those of you who like to do the laundry.. Kris and I laced up our skates and went public skating, ( almost call it a date night).

Saturday……… Woke up Saturday morning to gray skies and snow. It snowed and snowed and snowed. We ran a few errands in the afternoon, before we got ready to go what was called a “Rockband Party'” at a friends house……. Imagine a party with lots of food, drinking, alot of people your basic house party and you throw in 7 hours of playing rockband. Those of you who are not familiar with rockband. Hooked up to your playstation two or three you play drums, guitar, or sing. and rock to the music. it is fun says the person who watched, but i did sing couple of songs.

Kris never played rockband before, by the we early morning hours Kris was classified as the Rockband monster. It has been along time since I got home that late. We got home before the sun came up, but not before the 5:00 alarm to go off. Oh I forgot to mention we also got a flat tire on the way home…..

Sunday…… Sunday was a day of recovering… even though it was a day of recovering we did go out and by rockband… We didn’t do anything relaxed during the day and watched the Blackhawks.. in the evening.

It was a good weekend, like I mentioned it has been along time since I partied like that.

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